Published Date : 23-08-2023
Views : 765
Top 5 Java Interview Questions and Answers
Hello Freshers, So you have completed your golden period and uncountable memorable moments in college life right!
now you looking for your Career in IT as Full stack Java developer, this article will help you in Interview.
In this article we have covered Top Full stack java interview Questions with their answers verified by the to mentors of best full stack java training institute in pune.
So here are Top 5 Full stack Java developer Interview Questions and their answers
1) Describe Java.
Java is a high-level, object-oriented, trusted, safe, high-performance, multithreaded, & mobile coding language. It is also platform-independent.
In June 1991, James Gosling developed it. Since it provides a unique JRE and API, it can also be called as the platform.
2) Describe the Java programming language's features.
The programming language known as Java has the following features.
Simple: Learning in Java is simple. Because its structure is based on C++, programming in it is easier.
Object-Oriented: Java's object-oriented design allows users to maintain our code as a collection of various types of objects that include both data and behavior.
Portable:Java supports the read-once, write-anywhere concept. In every system, the Java program can be run.
Java programs (.java) are turned into usable bytecode (.class), which can be used on any system.
Platform Independent: The language used for programming Java is cross-platform. As comparison with other languages for programming like C and C++, it doesn't need a platform to run.
Java supports a platform that allows users to run its code. Java may executed separately of an OS.
Secure: Java's lack of any specific references makes it secure. Java becomes safer by the addition to both the Bytecode and handling of exceptions features.
Robust: Java uses strong memory control, making it a powerful programming language.
It is more strong because of concepts like automatic trash collection and handling of exceptions, and many.
Architecture Neutral: Java is independent of the architecture, making it conceptually neutral.
While it isn't present in Java, the size of data types in C can change according to the architecture (32 bit or 64 bit).
Interpreted: Java uses the Just-in-time (JIT) a interpreter along with the compiler to run programs.
High Performance: Because its bytecode is "close" to native code, it runs faster than other typically interpreted programming languages.
It is still more slowly than a compiled language , for example (such as C++).
Multithreaded: Java programs can handle many tasks at once using multiple threads. The main benefit of multi-threading is that every thread does not take up storage.
It has a common memory space. For multimedia content, websites, etc., threads are important.
Distributed: Because of its capacity to support users develop distributed applications, Java is distributed. Applications for computer networking are developed with RMI and EJB. Users can access files by using the methods from any computer that is connected to the web because of to a feature found in Java.
Dynamic: Language of Java is dynamic. It allows for class loading dynamically. Classes are now being loaded as required. In addition, C and C++ functions from the program's native languages also supported.
3) How would you define Java virtual machine?
The computer can run Java programs because of to the Java virtual machine. The main method found in the Java code is called by JVM, which functions as a run-time engine.
The computer system needs to implement the JVM standard. The Java code is converted by the JVM into a Bytecode that is similar to native code and independent of its target system.
4) What is the difference between JDK, JRE, and JVM?
JVM : The term "JVM" refers to the Java Virtual machine, an abstract computer that provide the environment for running Java bytecode. The Java Virtual Machine's operation is described in this specification. With other companies, Oracle provided the service of implementing it. The JRE software is used for executing it.
JRE : The Java Runtime Environment is known as JRE. It is how the JVM is implemented. A set of applications called the Java Runtime Environment is used to create Java programs. To provide the runtime environment, it is used. It is how the JVM works. It really does exist. It has a collection of libraries and more files that the JVM requires at runtime.
JDK : The term "Java Development Kit" is an brief. It is a setup for developing software that is used for developing Java applets and applications.
It actually does exist. JRE and development tools are provided. JDK is an implementation of any of the Java Platforms that follow, each of which are made available by Oracle Corporation
Standard Edition Java Platform
Enterprise Edition Java Platform
Mobile Edition Java Platform
5) How many different kinds of memory spaces does JVM allocate?
1. Class(Method) Area: The runtime constant pool, fields, method data, and method code are all stored in the class area.
2. Heap: The runtime data area is where the objects' memory is allocated.
3. Frames are stored in Java Stack. It interacts in method execution and return and holds local variables and incomplete results. Each thread has a unique, jointly developed private JVM stack. Every time a method is called, a new frame is made. Once its method has been used, a frame is destroyed.
4. Program Counter Register: The address of the Java virtual machine instruction currently being executed is stored in the PC (program counter) register.
5. Native Method Stack: It includes every native method used by the application.
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